Monday, January 06, 2014

The F* word

Today Isaac asked me why the F* word was bad? 

This is how the conversation went;

Isaac: Why is F* a bad word?

5 second silence 

Me: Well, do you know how daddies and mommies make babies?

Isaac: They eat a lot, and that makes babies

5 second silence with me not trying to laugh 

Me: Well there is something else that parents need to do to make babies. There is a nice and crude way to describe that process. And F* is just a crude option.

Isaac: OK

There were no further questions. Either I totally confused him, OR I really did answer his question (for now at least), but I am glad it went no further because I don't know if I could have possibly made that leap from 'eating a lot' to actual details of  the birds and the bees. 

That very hungry Caterpillar

One of Augie's favorite books is the "The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and unlike Isaac who obsessed about all the candy that lucky caterpillar got to eat (never mind the stomachache it got as a result of that binging), Augie spends a lot of time on that pre-climatic moment that the caterpillar becomes a caccoon. Only that Augie doesn't think it is a caccoon. He thinks the caterpillar just chose to end his feast by eating one big nut. My favorite moment every evening is when he proclaims, "Look Mummy, caterpillar eating a nut."